EN: Warning: This post is over two years old, so it's possible that the views, opinions, links or instructions reflected on it do not correspond with the way I think now or the way things currently work. I have evolved (and so have the World and the Internet), so it might be advisable to just take this entry for a glimpse into the (my) past. 🙂

ES: Atención: Este artículo tiene más de dos años de antigüedad, de modo que los puntos de vista, opiniones e instrucciones que se vierten en él pueden no corresponder con cómo pienso ahora o cómo funcionan las cosas en la actualidad. He evolucionado (y también lo han hecho el mundo e Internet), así que probablemente lo más recomendable sería entender esta entrada como un simple reflejo del (de mi) pasado. 🙂

Hey, I’ve never had so many comments before! Thanks all of you who participated in the debate of last entry 😀
I’m still having loads of things to do, but for some reason I’m feeling really stoic, and that makes me feel with the strengh I need to deal with everything. I cannot say I’m super-hyper, cheerful and so on, but not feeling rather «down» as I’ve been feeling for several weeks it’s a good sign 😛

The title of this post («Hoxe é o Día das Letras Galegas») means «Today is the «Day of Galician Letters (Literature)» in… Galician ;). Each year it is devoted to someone (who has already died :P) who wrote in Galician or Galician-Portuguese (they were the same language until the XIV-XVth century). This year it is devoted to an etnograph and humorist whose nickname was Xocas (his real name was Xaquín -Joachim- Fernández, and he died in 1989). The first year that Galician Letters were celebrated was the 17th of May of 1963 when it was the 100th aniversary of the publication of the first Literary Work in Galician after a long time without Galician works being printed. That first book is Cantares Gallegos, a poetry book by Rosalía de Castro. Of course, the 17th of May of 1963 was devoted to her, and now every single Galician child knows several of her poems by heart =) They are beautiful, very «Galician» 😉 Romantic, melancholic… One of the reasons I would like to be a good writer is to write stuff that shows Galicia as a place in which we can have a lot of fun too, I’m rather fed up with all that existencialist rainy place everybody believes Galicia is.

Well, whatever. It’s pretty hot in here today: 28ºC, I’m going to do nothing on the grass :geeked:, in a couple of hours I will catch the train to Santiago and my stressful life will start again :dead:…
So, ciao for now…
Oh! Just another thing: if you are bored enough and you are not already in Collectanea.Org, visit this. Yeah, I know: the colours clash, but I like them =). I’ll change them when my eyes get sick of watching the whole thing ;).

¡Hasta la próxima!